I also shortened the very long and clunky subtitle: "A Collection of Connection Science Fiction Novelettes". There were two things wrong with this. First, it wasn't accurate. The collection contains fantasy, horror and experimental as well. Secondly, the word "novelettes" is extremely dodgy. Technically, it's entirely accurate. A novelette is longer than a short story but shorter than a novella. Most of the stories in this collection are quite long, so it seemed quite a good idea to call them novelettes.
However, the word "novelette" has a derogatory meaning which I didn't know about. Novelettes are usually lightweight romances, rather trivial and flimsy - at least, they used to be. While this meaning is no longer in use, it was enough to tarnish the word for me and I decided to drop it from the subtitle. It's kind of long and clumsy anyway - I thought my short story collection would do better if I called it just that: "A Collection of Connected Short Stories."
All this is just great. There's just one thing that has gone horrible wrong: Amazon hates it. Amazon won't change the subtitle. It's a technical thing to do with ISBNs and such (so this affects the paperback, not the ebook) but however you look at it, I can't change it. Or the website won't let me. Amazon Bookshelf is perfectly aware that I've changed the subtitle as I've already uploaded the lovely new cover, but even so: it won't give me access to changing the details.
Well, fuck, is about all I can say. The only option I have is to unpublish the current edition of The Exodus Sequence and publish a whole new one. Because, you know, I just don't have enough complications in my life and I've got SO much time. Worse, the immense of work I do to get my books out there doesn't make a blind bit of difference. The hours, the time, the blood, sweat and tears - the many, many tears - none of it has paid off in any way at all. Who on God's earth is going to even notice that I have a whole new edition out there when no one even noticed the first edition.
It's all very sucky and I may just abandon the attempt in favour of lunch.
In the meantime, enjoy my lovely new cover.