Utterly loved the movie. It took the heart of Episodes 4, 5 & 6 and energised it with modern filmmaking to turn it into something really brilliant. As the ending approached, I began to feel frantic – how long do I have to wait for the next one?! I haven’t felt this excited about a movie for years, I think perhaps because it rekindled that sheer wonder when A New Hope came out (although, really, does anyone call it that? Because I had to go and Google it to find the name – I still think of it as “the first Star Wars movie.” This discounts the prequels entirely.)
When I came out, London had turned into Bladerunner: neon reflected in the wet sidewalks, drizzle, crowded sidewalks, sirens everywhere (have you noticed that the sirens are starting to sound like the sirens in sci-fi movies?) – I almost expected the little green man to say walk now, walk now, walk now. And I did. I forgot to limp for at least three blocks.