Later that morning, I was doing just exactly that - researching ancient man and trying to figure out what he ate off (if anything). I found an interesting article that quoted something by a woman who was easy to remember. She had scarlet hair, an undercut, several piercings and black-rimmed glasses. At the time I thought she was a scientist but I think she writes about science, which is a different thing. Anyway, I thought her theories were interesting and moved on, not giving it much thought.
Until later that same day, I opened up the SFX that drops through the letterbox on regular intervals - and found an interview with her! Same picture and everything, thus instantly recognisable. (Also, I recognised the title of a book she's written Scatter, Adapt, and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction. It's not a title you forget easily.)
TWO coincidences in one day?
I found this picture of someone's idea of Neanderthal Woman; a tad goddess-like, perhaps?